Above all, Antaruxa is an Animation Studio located in A Coruña, Galicia. As well, we have worked on several films, TV series, commercials and many other formats.
Mainly, we love to try new styles and techniques. However, we work in both 3D and 2D animation. Also, we worked with clients from all over the world such as Disney, RTVE, Platige, etc.
Firstly, Valentina, our first co-production movie, has won the Goya Awar 2022 for Best Animated Film. As well, it has been also nominated for The Platino Awards and The Quirino Awards.
Secondary, Antaruxa has been invited to several events and talks. For example, we have been invited by AGADIC (Axencia Galega das Industrias Culturais) to speak about our work and our goals for the future. Also, we have announced to be global partners of Mundos Digitales 2022.
Other projects
Thirdly, on this page, we post about other types of works like the poster we made for the new campaing of GADIS. So, don’t miss any news.
Lastly, but not least don’t forget to check the other pages of our website. On the other hand, you can know more about our projects, Antaruxa news, the clients we had worked for, and our skills at Work.
Valentina has been nominated to the Platino Awards for Best Animated Feature Film. This award are for the best...
Valentina has been nominated to the Quirino Awards for Best Iberoamerican Animated Feature Film. The ceremony will be...
Valentina won the 36th Goya Award for Best Animated Feature Film. We had the pleasure to attend the 36th Goya Awards...