Vegalsa-Eroski is a leader and benchmark in the food sector in Galicia. It is a Spanish cooperative distribution company belonging to the Mondragón Corporation.

The company is based in the Biscayan town of Elorrio, in the Basque Country, Spain. It was founded in 1969 and is today one of the most important distribution companies in Spain, with a workforce of more than 35,000 workers spread throughout the country.

Mondotropo called us for a very important mission: to make the VFX for the new Vegalsa campaign. The instructions were simple, we had to make the VFX with so high quality that nobody knows that they exists.

Perhaps, we would have preferred a secret mission (and with two more zeros on the bill). Still, we are not secret agents, and we wanted not to die in strange circumstances, so we simply decided to follow orders.

No one will ever know what shots have VFX (visual effects) on.

Antaruxa animation studio rocks!

Antaruxa is an Animation Studio located in A Coruña, Galicia. We have worked on several films, TV series, commercials and many other formats.

And last but not least don?t forget to check the other pages of our website. You can know more about our projects, the clients we had worked for and our skills. So, visit our website and find out more about our work. Also, don’t be shy and let’s talk.

Vegalsa. Un bo comezo


Mondotropo called us for a very important mission: to make the VFX for the new Vegalsa campaign. The instructions were simple, we had to make the VFX with so high quality that nobody knows that they exists.

Perhaps, we would have preferred a secret mission (and with two more zeros on the bill). Still, we are not secret agents, and we wanted not to die in strange circumstances, so we simply decided to follow orders.

No one will ever know what shots have VFX on :)



Final Clients
