Hoxe con Manquiña (2018), is a television program produced and broadcasted by the local television TVG (Televisión de Galicia). On this occasion from Antaruxa Animation Studio, we create the opening, the music, and other graphics. In this program the actor Manuel Manquiña explores the lesser-known aspects of different sportsmen, actors, writers, and other famous personalities.

We played with this idea for the opening, the closing, the music, and the other graphic parts of the TV program. From our point of view, the result was fantastic, and as far as we know, the result pleased the public and the client as well.

Apart from Hoxe con Manquiña, we work with TVG on other projects such as Vou que teño que ir (2019-2020) and Facendo as Americas (2020-2021). In both programmes, we did graphic design, compositing and sound design.

Antaruxa is an Animation Studio located in A Coruña, Galicia. We have worked on several films, TV series, commercials and many other formats.

And last but not least don?t forget to check the other pages of our website. You can know more about our projects, the clients we have worked for and our skills. So, visit our website and find out more about our work. Also, don’t be shy and let’s talk.

Hoxe con manquiña


The actor Manuel Manquiña explores the lesser-known aspects of different sportsmen, actors, writers, and other famous personalities.

This was the starting point for the opening, the closing, the music, and the other graphic parts of the TV program. Was it enough information? For us, yes, and we can also say that it was fun to be able to do it because we were given creative freedom.

Final Clients

Television de Galicia