Another Day of Life is a 2018 Polish-Spanish-Belgian-German-Hungarian animated feature co-production. Directed by Raúl de la Fuente and Damian Nenow. Based on Ryszard Kapu?ci?ski‘s autobiographical account, Another Day of Life.
Our relationship with this movie began a few years before the actual project was possible. We already knew the works of Ryszard Kapu?ci?ski and as soon as we saw the teaser we fell in love with the project. Also, the technique used reminds us of the short film Paths Of Hate by Damian Nenow, which we also loved. We knew that he would also be the director of the animation part of the future film. So when we had the opportunity to participate in the feature film, we didn’t hesitate. We wanted to be part of the project no matter what.
We had a lot of conversations with Platige in charge of the artistic and technical part. With Kanaki (production management) in order to find our place inside the production. Finally, we started doing some mocap cleaning shots. Ended up supervising the mocap cleaning process for almost the entire film with many studios around the world (it was a unique experience).
The final result achieved was the work of many studios with Platige Image in the lead. Everyone could see that visually it is spectacular. Without a shadow of a doubt, along with the direction of Damian Nenow and Raúl de la Fuente, they made Another Day of Life a cult feature film.